At treatment with acupuncture we are adressing trigger points. These are located on well-defined channels (meridians) and have an important role on our health. Mostly an energy block is released in a trigger point or even a region.
After World War II the chinese government was doing a great effort to make TCM available for the majority of the population. They were also sending medical experts to lonely areas who worked independantly and were treating needy persons. Their education was a 100-days-class. They aquired knowledge about the most important acupuncture points which they could use in connection with a simple diagnosis.
in the seventies China began to open up to the west more and more. Sensational reports in the press about TCM created a great interest in the subject. Most of the classes offered here are copies of the emergency programm of those times.
For this reason western people began thinking that acupuncture is working only superficially – in the thinking mode that symptom x is being treated with trigger point y. In China people got distant gain to this thought and came back to the old diagnostic criteria.

The Roll of Diagnostics at Acupuncture
For the success of acupuncture the diagnosis is essential. In contrary to the “recipy acupuncture” you can get a higher success rate by the classical diagnosis. Thus the healing effect of the treatment is doubled – which is proven by a scientific study.
These very first double blind studies of acupuncture proved that for example the effect of the points of the GerAc-study on Gonarthrosis has been doubled after finding a correct diagnosis according to the Heidelberg Model.
eCAM 2013, IF 4,77
At Diagnosis there are two Methods:
Toungue diagnosis
Toungue diagnosis is the most important and most spread form of diagnosis in Chinese Medicine. It is about changements on the surface of the tongue. For each chengement there is a unique hint on the cause of the problem. By this recognition the right treatment can be selected.
Pulse Diagnosis
This method senses the quality of the pulse and allows its interpretation. It is little compliant with western thinking and thuss difficult to understand. To make it easier models have been created for an easier transfer of the two thinking worlds. By this the Heidelberg Model has managed to make this form of diagnosis better known in the West.

The Methods of Acupuncture
Body acupuncture
It is the classical acupuncture of China and is mostly applicated in practise. In its mother country is is constantly combined wich other stimulation methods as moxibustion, cupping and manual therapy.
Ear acupuncture
This method is of arabic origin. In former moorish areas the arabic heritage was coming to Europe as well. The French doctor Paul Nogier brought this old art of treatment to new life. Finnally Prof. Dr. Frank Bahr further deelopped this method with several aspects. Ear acupuncture works as stand alone as well as in combination with body acupuncture.
Heidelberg Scull Acupuncture
It represents an innovative acupuncture which is applied on the top of the scull. The needles remain in their puncture points for several days so they can have a longer influence. Furthermost in functional diseases and allergies they have the strongest impact.
Scull acupuncture of Yamamoto
This is a similar system like the Heidelberg Scull Acupuncture. The difference is that studying it is much more difficult. It goes much deeper into the matery and presupposes a deeper knowledge.
In the origins not only the stimulation with needles but also addition of warmth by burning of mugwort was an essential part of the treatment. The moxa cones consist of mugwort pressed in form and can guide warmth to certain points and regions. This proceed is especially good for micro circulation disorders which make 90 % of diseases in the West. Thus we recommend to apply moxibustion to every treatment. “If it does not smell like Moxa in an acupuncture studio just leave the shop” says a great Chinese doctor.
A partial method as part of the meta category of “external treatments” is cupping. It work much similar as moxibustion or tuina. It uses cupping bells in dedicated forms for selected regions. In our region it is mostly connected with body acupuncture but it also works phantastically as standalone.
Learn acupuncture by yourself
In Heidelberg we are teaching the old art of acupuncture for several years now. MDs have the opportunity to get a Zusatzbezeichnung (official permission to use acupuncture given by the chamber of physicians). The most importnt knowledge for this topic is contained in the TCM-starter-class. Important topics of treatment are talked about and practised in single sessions. Contact us for further information please. We are looking forward to meet you.